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Youth in Agriculture in Nepal

Youth in agriculture in Nepal: Definition and significance
There is no single definition to define youth that can satisfy all globally. It may vary along with the country and many times with programs and policies. However, people in their youth stage seem relatively more fresh in appearance and vigor.
Oxford Dictionary has defined the period between childhood and adult is youths. It also spells: Youths are the people at the age of young. Various national and international organizations have defined young people or youth stage differently. United Nations Organizations usually refer the people between 15-24 years old are young in many of its statistics. However, some special projects have defined youths differently. Here is the attachment.
Source: UN4Youth-
Similarly, the Government of Nepal recognizes its citizen through the certificate of citizenship on the basis of ACT. S/He can request for the citizenship after s/he is at least 16 years (conditions may apply).
Definition of youths in Nepal is not uniform among different programs and policies of different ministries. Here are few examples;
1. Ministry of Agricultural Development (MoAD) has targeted youths mentioning their age group between 18-50 years. See the links of some working guidelines below:
2. However, Ministry of Finance refers persons between age of 21-45 years as young in the Youth Focused- Credit subsidy program guidelines.
3. Ministry of Youth and Sports consider people between age of 16-40 as youth in their program. Moreover, these youths are divided into two categories as 1. 16-25 years (youths require capacity development, education, trainings, etc) and 2. 26-40 (focus on employment, self-employment and entrepreneurship development.
Significance of youth in agriculture
According to sixth agriculture census, 2011, more than 77 percent households have less than 1 ha land while most of the farmers practice subsistence agriculture system. It is characterized by labor intensive and traditional techniques and technologies. So, youths are very important in farming.


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