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A short note on agriculture and land issues

A short note on Agriculture and Land issues: 

Santosh Adhikari, Sujan Dhungel, Diwas Raj Bista

Agriculture in developing and developed world
¨  Developed, Developing and Least Developed countries
¨  Basis- HDI, GDP, GNP....
¨  Nepal's Target to graduate to Developing country by 2022
¨  Three targets and standards- Per capita GNI, EVI and HAI
¨  GNI-$1242, EVI<32, HAI>66 (how it is calculated?)

Capital Intensive
labor intensive
Heavy equipments
small and medium tools
Advanced and research based- HEIA
traditional and experience based- LEISA
scale of production
huge- commercial
small- subsistence
size of farm
large and consolidated
small and fragmented
Highly productive
less productive
Roads, electricity, loan, irrigation, market
no or less, farmers managed, rain-fed farming
Number of farmers
Contribution to National economy

Productivity Gap

¨  measure of efficiency of factor inputs- labor, capital, technology
¨  Gap between the potential production to actual production per unit area
¨  For eg: Rice productivity (National average-3.3 mt/ha, Research potential- 5-9, Best= >10 mt/ha)

Land Fragmentation
¨  Division of Land into parcels
¨  Number of parcels- 12 million; 2.53 m holdings
¨  Number of parcel per household = 3.2
¨  Average size of parcels = 0.21 ha (0.24 ha)
¨  average size of holding= 0.68 ha. (0.8 ha)
¨  area <0.1 ha=20 thousands; >10 ha=15 thousands
¨  more than 2 ha=592,690
¨  Tenured <35 thousands

why Land Fragmentation?
¨  Family Structures- joint to nuclear, increasing number of households: 4.25 million HH in 2001; 5.42 m in 2011
¨  Property inheritance and assets division
¨  Rapid and uncontrolled urbanization- plotting and housing
¨  Urban migration
¨  Policy - land consolidation, land use, ....

Land Lords
¨  They usually have more land
¨  They do not farm by themselves rather keep bonded labors
¨  Harvest and controls farm income and shares little to their labors
¨  No formal institutes or recognition

Sharecroppers and tenants
¨  A person who occupies land or property rented from land lords
¨  cultivate on the farms of land lords or land absentees in mutual agreement
¨  can be used synonymously
¨  shares the harvest/income-cash or kind or both
¨  sharecroppers usually shares harvest
¨  May receive inputs to cultivate in mutual agreement
¨  Non-formal
¨  Mostly land lords and rich people in society
¨  Non-formal and usual in rural areas
¨  They provide loan with higher interest rate
¨  Mutual agreement, many times written
¨  May keep some bonds, collateral for the loan

Thank you! 


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